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Frequently Asked Questions

We want to be sure that you’re comfortable when you visit Marigold Yoga, and for many folks that means knowing what they’re doing before they walk through the door. Here are some basic tips about our policies and classes, and answers to some of the questions we get asked often. If the information you’re seeking isn’t here, don’t hesitate to send us an email or a text.


Do I need to reserve in advance, or can I just show up?

We require pre-registration for every in-person class. How do you pre-register? From the schedule page, click on the “Book Now” button and follow the prompts.


For workshops, courses, and events, we require you to reserve your spot in advance (although sometimes there are last minute spaces available, it’s not something that always happens). You can do so on the Workshops page or in-person next time you are in.


What if I register for class and can’t come? Do I get my money back?

If you complete an “early cancellation” in the online system, then the class gets put back into your account. It is considered an “early cancellation” if you cancel at least 90 minutes before the start of class. For a “late cancellation,” which includes not coming or cancelling less than 90 minutes before class, we reserve the right to deduct the class from your account. You are responsible for cancelling your class--it's very easy to do on the website or through the Fit by Wix app.

How about for workshops?

Workshops, courses, and events are non-refundable unless specifically stated otherwise on the signup page for that event. In many cases you can transfer your registration to someone else—just let us know who and we will make the change.


How early should I plan to arrive before my class?

A good rule of thumb is 15 minutes before your class starts. This gives you time to check in, take off your shoes, stow your stuff, maybe do a few extra stretches (or those exercises your PT wants you to do but you keep forgetting.) It also gives your teacher time to say hello and discuss the kind of guidance you want during class. We lock the door during every class and unlock it 15 minutes before each class begins. If the door is locked and you’re early for class, someone will be along to unlock it.


What if I’m running late?

We know the Chicago commute can be challenging, but we also want to ensure that all students can enjoy a safe, 60-minute class without interruptions. Therefore, we can’t allow people to enter class after it has started. If the front door is locked, it is too late to join.

Where do I park?

There is free parking available in front of the studio on Ravenswood and on the side streets in the neighborhood. There is also metered parking on Irving Park Road.

I think I left my water bottle/mat/scarf/shoes there…

Funny thing about yoga. After a good class, it’s not uncommon for students to leave all sorts of things behind. We have a lost and found at the front desk. We will keep things around for 30 days, and then will send them off to Howard Brown to find a new home.

How much do classes cost? Do you take credit cards?

For full class costs and package deals, click here. You can pay by Visa, Mastercard, or American Express.

Is the studio space accessible? I use a walker to move around. 

Not completely, no. Following is an assessment of potential access issues for the building and our space. At street level, there are two steps to get to the building. There is an intercom to buzz in that is about four feet off the ground, and requires being able to see to be used. Once inside, there are no barriers to access. There is an elevator that takes you to the 3rd floor. The gendered, common area bathrooms have some large stalls but no grab bars. Not all of the common area doors or sinks have ADA-compliant hardware. 

Based on this description, if you have questions about the building or space, or how we can facilitiate your coming to class, send us an email to discuss. We have come up with some creative solutions for the limitations of our building, and will continue to make requests of building management to address issues.


Timeliness is next to godliness where yoga is concerned. As mentioned above, we can’t allow people to enter the studio after class has started.

Most people will feel best if they don’t eat a heavy meal within an hour or so of class. Your results may vary, though. For more information, read our post about eating before and after yoga class.

Perfumes, colognes, essential oils, and even some personal products like hair conditioner and deodorant can cause problems for people with chemical sensitivities, so please be cognizant of your scent when you come to class. Teachers will ask students’ permission before using essential oils in class. 

Please remove your shoes before entering the practice space.

Once you are in the practice space, collect your props and get settled with sensitivity to others in the room. As a rule of thumb, this means being relatively quiet.

Try to avoid walking on other students’ mats when moving around the studio.

Phones must be left in the cubbies or on airplane mode—and not set to vibrate. This goes for smart watches, too. If at all feasible, give yourself a mini break from electronic devices during the 60 minutes of your class.

It’s important to honor your body. Keep your eyes on your own mat and try not to judge yourself. If you need to rest, rest. If a pose doesn’t feel right, stop and ask your teacher for assistance. Use class as a safe environment to learn about what your body CAN do, but also where your body’s boundaries are that day.

If you’ve used one of our studio mats, please use the mat cleaner to give it a quick scrub for the student who uses it next. 


Which class should I start with?

That depends on you, your body, and your experience. For yoga classes, our first question is going to be, “Have you done yoga before?”

If your answer is:

A) Yes, I do yoga all the time: Pick a class, any class. Flow and Restore will move faster, Yoga Basics and Marigold Plus will move more slowly and focus on alignment fundamentals, and Restorative will prop you and comfort you and give you some TLC. Listen to your body – what does it want today?


B) Yes, but it’s been a long time since I hit the mat: Start back gradually. Come to Plus or Basics to get back in the rhythm of yoga or try an flow class but be sure that you move with awareness into deeper versions of poses.


C) No, never: Yoga has its own language, so you definitely want to learn the basics. Come to Plus, Basics, or any of the more accessible yoga classes:  Yoga with a Chair, Stretch and Reset, Marigold Rx. You’ll go at a slower pace and get lots of guidance to be sure you know what you’re doing and are comfortable doing it. You should also tell the teacher that it is your first class so that they can take extra good care of you.


D) Of course not! I’m too ______________ to do yoga: Yeah, the majority of the US population thinks they can’t do yoga. But we are here to show you that you can. Marigold Yoga is proud to focus on the novice student and we have special classes like Yoga with a Chair and Marigold Plus (our plus-size yoga class) for people who are convinced that their body won’t let them do yoga. FYI, nobody came out of the womb able to do yoga. It is an acquired skill, just like carpentry and juggling, and we are passionate about showing you that you cannot only do it, but you can enjoy it too.


I am plus size and I am totally new to yoga. Should I start with Yoga Basics or Marigold Plus?

Both classes are great for newbs. If you would be more comfortable in a class with other larger-bodied students, start with Marigold Plus. If you don’t care one way or the other, both are a good place to start. There is one major difference between how the two classes are structured. In Marigold Plus, you will get up off the floor once during class, and come down once. In Yoga Basics, you could come to the floor and back several times. Otherwise, both classes will include centering, warmups, poses on the floor and standing, cooldowns, and a final relaxation. Whichever class you choose, the teacher will offer options
 for you.

What do I wear?

Yoga poses require you to bend and stretch, and though you can try to wear your skinny jeans during class, you’ll have better luck in something comfortable and stretchy that will move wherever your body wants to go. That said, if your clothes are super baggy you may find yourself exposing a bit more of you than you anticipated in some poses, so slightly fitted tops are usually a good idea. There is a lot more info on this topic here.


What should I bring with me to class? Do you have mats I can use?

If you have a yoga mat and a water bottle, we encourage you to bring them. If you would like to borrow a mat, we have some available in the studio.


I don’t live in a larger body. Can I come to Marigold Plus?

All bodies are good bodies. All bodies are yoga bodies. And yet, we live in a world where yoga bodies = thin bodies, and this prevents a lot of students from giving yoga a try. While all classes at Marigold embrace body diversity, our Marigold Plus classes are designed specifically for larger students to practice yoga in a space where they are the rule, not the exception. If you are not part of the target audience for this class (students who live in a larger body), consider Yoga Basics or another class as an alternative. With that said, we aren’t going to turn you away at the door if you come to Marigold Plus because your body is or isn’t a certain shape. Use your intuition and it will all be fine.

I am not queer or trans. Can I come to Queer/Trans Yoga?

Our guidelines are different for this class than for Marigold Plus. You must be queer or trans or an invited ally to come to the Queer/Trans class.  Invited ally means that a queer or trans student who is also coming to the class has invited you to attend with them.

Do I have to chant? I’m Lutheran…

Yoga is not a religion, and we are a religion-free zone.

For some teachers, part of practicing yoga involves understanding the “eight limbs” that define the physical and spiritual parts of the practice. Some of us incorporate chanting, breathwork, and meditation into our classes because we think it’s helpful, and some of us prefer not to. You, the student, should feel comfortable either participating or not as you see fit.

I would like to do yoga with my child. What are my options?

Children 13 and older with a genuine interest in yoga can attend any scheduled class with a parent or guardian. Teens 16 and older can attend classes on their own.

Do you provide childcare during classes?

Our insurance does not permit us to watch your child or have them stay in the lobby during class.

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© 2024 Marigold Yoga Chicago

all bodies. all people. all stories.

4043 North Ravenswood Ave Suite 308, Chicago, IL 60613
773.904.7870 |

Website by Lotus IT Consulting

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