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Video Library

There are three ways that you can look for the videos you want to view:

Channels - there are five channels, all shown on this page, that organize the classes by vibe. You can go to a channel if you know the vibe you want, or go to the All Videos channel to see all available videos.

Categories - once you choose a channel, on the bottom right side of the page you can filter by category, which is the class name.

Search/Tags - to the left of the Categories is a search field where you can look for tags that describe the teacher, the length of the class, props needed, energetic effect, pose focus, or other relevant information to help you choose a class. Decide which tags you want to search, then type them in to the search bar. Some tags are shown under each thumbnail, as well.


All Videos

This channel contains all classes.



This channel contains a variety of meditative practices including Yoga Nidra, Meditation, and coming soon pranayama, chanting, and mudra practices.



Classes that prioritize gentle movement, stretching, and a slower pace or complete stillness, including Restorative Yoga, Yin Yoga, and Lazy Flow.


Moving & Grooving

Fitness classes that prioritize  strength and endurance, taught with the same principles of inclusivity as our yoga classes. Includes HIIT and Barre, with more coming soon.



Classes that improve cardiovascular fitness, strength, balance and flexibility. Expect to feel challenged physically. All-levels Flow, Marigold Plus and Yoga Basics.



Yoga classes more overtly aimed for relieving physical ailments. Most students should be comfortable in  these classes. Includes Chair Yoga, Somatic Yoga, Yoga Rx.

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© 2024 Marigold Yoga Chicago

all bodies. all people. all stories.

4043 North Ravenswood Ave Suite 308, Chicago, IL 60613
773.904.7870 |

Website by Lotus IT Consulting

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